• 环球博彩资讯


发布日期:2023-08-11 19:29    点击次数:131

鏉ユ簮锛欼MDB鑻辨枃鍚嶇О锛欳asino Royale (2006)鑻辨枃绠€浠媅鎴彇浜?涓笉鍚岀増鏈紝浣滆€呮爣娉ㄥ湪绡囨湯]Casino Royale introduces James Bond before he holds his license to kill. But Bond is no less dangerous, and with two professional assassinations in quick succession, he is elevated t

  • 鏉ユ簮锛欼MDB 鑻辨枃鍚嶇О锛欳asino Royale (2006) 鑻辨枃绠€浠媅鎴彇浜?涓笉鍚岀増鏈紝浣滆€呮爣娉ㄥ湪绡囨湯] Casino Royale introduces James Bond before he holds his license to kill. But Bond is no less dangerous, and with two professional assassinations in quick succession, he is elevated to '00' status. Bond's first 007 mission takes him to Uganda where he is to spy on a terrorist, Mollaka. Not everything goes to plan and Bond decides to investigate, independently of MI6, in order to track down the rest of the terrorist cell. Following a lead to the Bahamas, he encounters Dimitrios and his girlfriend, Solange. He learns that Dimitrios is involved with Le Chiffre, banker to the world's terrorist organizations. Secret Service intelligence reveals that Le Chiffre is planning to raise money in a high-stakes poker game in Montenegro at Le Casino Royale. MI6 assigns 007 to play against him, knowing that if Le Chiffre loses, it will destroy his organization. 'M' places Bond under the watchful eye of the beguiling Vesper Lynd. At first skeptical of what value Vesper can provide, Bond's interest in her deepens as they brave danger together and even torture at the hands of Le Chiffre. In Montenegro, Bond allies himself with Mathis MI6's local field agent, and Felix Leiter who is representing the interests of the CIA. The marathon game proceeds with dirty tricks and violence, raising the stakes beyond blood money and reaching a terrifying climax. Written by Krafty James Bond is a seductive British secret agent for M:I-6 who has achieved "007" status. After trying to capture a criminal in an embassy, by illegally entering the country, 007's boss 'M' is displeased with his efforts and is unsure if he is the right man for the job. As he continues to follow the trail, the trail leads Bond to the Bahmas to corrupt banker Le Chiffre who is funding international terrorists. After seducing Solange, the beautiful wife of criminal Alex Dimitrios. 007 takes part in a card game in Montengro called 'Casino Royale' where Le Chiffre plans on raising the prize money for terrorist activities. With help from the beautiful and mysterious British government agent Vesper Lynd who is supplying his betting money, field agent Rene Mathis and Undercover CIA agent Felix Leiter, 007 sets out to thwart the corrupt bankers efforts to raise the money, where if Le Chiffre looses, his organization will collapse. Where 007 must uses his instincts and wits as he also deals with attempts on his life, double agents and finds himself falling in love with Vesper. Written by Daniel Williamson The British Establishment has an ally, in the guise of newly appointed double-00 James Bond. Daniel Craig joins a prestigious line up of iconic cinematic history; James Bond is back with a vengeance. His introduction is a sparing partner of both intelligence and brutality, his mission is to take the ultimate gamble and place his life on the line in the arenas of terrorism and the ivory towers of power. Taking Bond around the world once more but it is in Casino Royale where this battle of wit and cunning will take place, taking no prisoners and leaving nothing but death in his wake. This gripping updated Ian Fleming story is dealt with the expectancy of urgency and drama that when the chips are down this action packed high-octane movie will deliver what England expects. Written by Cinema_Fan 澳门永利赌场积分 规则 地下赌场转账 私人赌场转账


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